Read a book to someone you love.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Flood planning at the Library

In preparation for a possible flood, we have moved our outreach book collection out of the basement and transferred everything moveable (supplies, computer equipment, etc.) to a higher level. Our biggest concern is the heating and telephone systems: impossible to move and expensive to replace. Keep your fingers crossed!

Our Children's Library is now high and dry on the second floor. This is quite an improvement over 1992 when the staff and many community members rushed in to save the children's collection which was then housed in the basement. It was in the nick of time; the basement flooded to the ceiling. Without our local heroes, the collection would have been destroyed. When some people ask us why the library had to expand in 2000, we remind them of that flood. Taking the children's collection out of harm's way was the compelling reason for the expansion.

On the bright side, the temporary postponement the flood risk has let us proceed with our book sale. It starts today, so stop in and buy lots of books! Because the book sale is located in the basement this fundraising event could be at risk should we find ourselves in a flood situation.

If our river floods while the library is open, any children who are unattended by parents or guardians will be escorted by the children's staff to Vermont College. The staff is also ready to drive anyone who is unable to walk to higher ground. Again, we will use the Red Cross center at Vermont College.

If you have further questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know.

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