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Friday, January 30, 2009

ACE OF GAMES: The collection, donations, prizes, and the venues

Ace of Games continues today, Friday, January 30, when dozens of young gamers converge this afternoon for tabletop fun! Want to know what games are in our growing collection? Check out and search for kellogghubbard, or go directly to our collection at This website is a huge resource for board gamers, offering descriptions of over 5ooo games with photos, session reports, discussions, strategy tips, and a marketplace. Sign on an be a geek buddy of the KHL. Right now, we've got over 30 games and counting.

Our collection is made up of the best games available. Most are high-quality board games from game makers who care enough to make games that are as pleasing to look at as they are to play. Often, the high quality means added expense, so I'm pleased that so many companies have generously supported the Ace of Games. Here's a list of the companies who have given generously to our games program: Northstar Games, Gamewright, Bananagrams. Days of Wonder, Fantasy Flight, Wizards of the Coast, and Hasbro. Also, we have had some generous donations from Woodbury Mountain Toys, who has always been a great supporter of our programs. THANKS TO EVERYONE.

Now that the tournament has kicked off, its time to announce some of the prizes that you can win as part of the Ace of Games. First, for you adults: a $100 gift certificate for tax preparation work by Abacus Bookkeeping. Win this and you can play more games without worrying about your taxes! Woodbury Mountain comes through as always with a generous donation of 5 gift certificates each worth $10. The Book Garden offers a gift certificate of $20. La Brioche offers a $25 gift certificate. And Coffee Corner kicks in another $25 gift certificate. Great prizes from great downtown Montpelier businesses. Don't forget the Top Banana trophy that goes to the winner of the Bananagrams tournament on Sat. Feb 21 at 2pm.

We are so lucky to have venues all around town that support the Ace of Games. So many of them are throwing their own gaming events. Coming up on Feb. 6 is Bear Pond Books with their Bananagrams party for the whole family from 6-8pm. Our newest participant, The Coffee Corner, has decided to mix it up with games of Apples to Apples every Wednesday from 1-3pm during the Ace of Games at the front table, by the window. The Ace of Games takes on a new flavor at La Brioche, where chef Adrian Westrope has baked up an edible checkerboard. To order this delicious game, call the bakery 24 hours in advance at (802) 225-3380. The set costs $14 for a cake board and cookie tokens. You can also just buy the cookies for $3 a bag. Otherwise, cusotmers are invited to play games any time. The same invitation has been extended by the Langdon Street Cafe with great results after they installed a permanent games shelf last year. Starting March 10-15 Langdon Street Cafe hosts its annual Geek Week, with an added emphasis on board games. Sunday, March 15, is dedicated entirely to board games at the cafe. Woodbury Mountain Toys has an awesome selection of specialty games for young and old, and during the Ace of Games they are offering 20% off games with a coupon from the library (available Saturday). Also, there is a cute little game table to set up games such as Link-o, Shut the Box, or Quarto. Speaking of Quarto, Rhapsody Cafe on Main Street has recently acquired Quarto for their expanding game shelf. Quarto is quick to learn and quick to play, a perfect lunch hour game. Thats seven Ace of Games venues to choose from, plus the library, so you have lots of options. Now cure your cabin fever and "Get Out and Play!"